

想要建立自己的LinkedIn人脉,就必须主动挖掘潜在客户并与对方建立联系。在 LinkedIn 上发送好友申请后,应在合理的时间内进行跟进。如果尝试了几次仍未得到回复,很可能是对方对与你建立联系不感兴趣。不要灰心,如果对方没有屏蔽信息,进一步跟进可能会让客户产生兴趣。

在发送 LinkedIn 好友申请后继续跟进,不仅能提升建立联系的可能性,同时也为目标客户提供了再次考虑产品的机会,还能进一步了解客户之前拒绝好友请求的原因。



  • 开头:介绍自己


  • 认真对待 "Reason for Connecting"

认真填写Reason for Connecting,可以增加客户对你的信任,同时也能让客户更清楚你想要建立联系的原因。

  • 发送定制化开发信


  • 下一步:大胆说出需求




Hi {name},

My name is {your name} and I am {your title} at {your company}. I was browsing through LinkedIn. LinkedIn says we've got {a number of connections in common}. I feel it would be nice to get in touch with you.

We'll have some helpful contacts and ideas for each other. I also think you might be interested in some of the work I'm doing that could help your team {value from your product}.

Take care, and I hope to hear back from you!

Regards, {name} {title} {your company name}


Hi {name},

I’m an {your title} at {your company}. I came across your LinkedIn profile.

I saw that you recently posted a question on LinkedIn about how to achieve {business value} for your company.

How, if at all, would you like to improve your strategy? I’ve found that {solution} has been successful for others. Here are a few examples of what other companies I’ve worked with in the past have done that might be helpful to you: {tip 1} {tip 2} {tip 3}

Have you tried any of these strategies in the past? I have some more ideas for how we can help.

Regards, {name} {title} {your company name}


Hi {name},

My name is {your name}. Congratulations on your new role as {prospect Title}. Based on your LinkedIn profile, it looks like you've done an amazing job developing your career at {company}.

I’m reaching out to you because I noticed that you are expanding your sales team at {company}. I assume, as a {prospect Title}, you want your company’s sales to grow as well, so would you like an idea of boosting {company}’s email outreach activities? Please reply to me. I'm a fan and I want to help.

Regards, {name} {title} {your company name}


Hi {name},

I came across your LinkedIn post, which talks about your new initiative. I wish to congratulate you on the same.

Do you want to know about others in your industry who have been successful with similar projects? I know {number} companies that have generated x% higher profits by using {Your product/ service} for their project.

If you wish to know about them, I would be happy to share the case studies. Click here to get the [case study].

Regards, {name} {title} {your company name}


Hi {name},

My name is {name}.

The reason I'm reaching out is that I was browsing {company}'s LinkedIn profile and I noticed that your company is using {Competitor Name} as your {Industry} platform.

While we are focusing on marketing services for stores that are built on {Industry} platform and already helped {company1} and {company2} with SEO and PPC for their online stores, I thought we might have a great synergy.

Are you available for a brief call at {Time}?

Regards, {name} {title} {your company name} The best way to get more out of your LinkedIn network is to build relationships with people. You can follow these templates for better follow-up emails after you've sent a connection request on LinkedIn. When you follow these templates, you give the recipients an opportunity to respond to you. You also have an opportunity to explain why you want to connect with them. If you don't hear back from the person you are trying to connect with after several attempts, there still are solutions , not all hope is lost! If they haven't blocked you, I strongly suggest sending another message, it will work like a charm!

  • 领英
  • 开发信模板
